
An Ounce Each Day

People say to me, 'Oh, you're so prolific.' God, it doesn't feel like it — nothing like it. But, you know, you put an ounce in a bucket each day, you get a quart.


--John McPhee, who has published more than 25 books but rarely writes more than 500 words a day.


Worst Nightmare

When I first heard about this story from Orlando, Fl, I thought to myself, "This is every parent's worst nightmare." But let's be real -- this is every parent of a black child's worst nightmare.

Zimmerman was carrying a a 9 millimeter handgun. Martin was carrying a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea. [ABC News]

--"What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012)

If anyone tries to tell you that we live in a post-race society, please remind them just how wrong they are.

My heart goes out to Trayvon's family and friends, who have lost so much. And my great fierce prayers go out for non-violent justice in this and every case like it.


How to choose kid's toys

Smart list of criteria for selecting a child's toy, from Dr. Sears. I (of course) especially like #8: "Can it be played with by both genders?" To be technical, all toys can physically be played with by all genders (pretty sure there's no "My Little Tampon" or Pretty Pretty Penis Accessories... these would be problematic for, uh, a million reasons), but I appreciate that he identifies gender-neutrality as being a good quality for play.

As a counterpoint to the idea of even buying toys at all, I offer Wired's list of top five toys of all time.


Open Letter

Dear "Up All Night" Creators,

Stop watching us. It's just creepy. You change just enough that it's not obvious, but I know what's going on here.

You do get one major thing wrong - that baby is way too convenient. Especially at one year. Has she not popped any teeth? Had a cold? Gotten croup? Real life babies are much messier.



Sometimes the clothes do not make the man

We're born naked, and the rest is drag.

― RuPaul, Lettin It All Hang Out: An Autobiography

(Strange to use a George Michael lyric for a post from another musician? Maybe. I swear my mind thinks in lyrics and quotes when it comes to titling anything.)