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Early 90s Music Flashback: Intrinsic, Incredible Emotion

It's an obsession. No shame here. I'm admitting it out loud.  Music and culture and memories from the early 90s. Well, the entire 90s, really, but the project I'm working on starts in the early 90s, so that's where I'm spending my YouTube time currently.

I'll highlight some favorites as I excavate.

Tonight's special: Meryn Cadell's spoken-word hit "The Sweater." For me, there wasn't a sweater, but there was a certain costume shirt. Shit, do I still have that thing?

Enjoy, y'all.


Tiny possibly-only-interesting-to-me trivia about Meryn Cadell, courtesy of Wikipedia: while with Intrepid records, he (Meryn transitioned in 2003) recorded with Jim Creeggan of Barenaked Ladies (and The Brothers Creeggan).

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    Response: Geet Sangeet
    LyricsOff.com is the best Hindi songs lyrics site you can find on the web, Read and sing along with the accurate lyrics of old and latest songs.
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Reader Comments (2)

Wow, I haven't thought of Meryn Cadell in years. For me, this one will always be tied to "Being in Love" in which she utters the immortal line, "Babies cost a lot of money, please don't make me..." Well. You know.

May 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterI, Rodius

I'd never heard "Being in Love" before, but that's probably better because it's much funnier now than it would have been in middle school. Thanks for the tip!

May 6, 2013 | Registered CommenterJennifer Gandin Le

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