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Nothing Left to Prove

Funny, touching blog post, titled "An open letter to all parents from a non-parent." I opened it carefully, afraid of what I might find.

I needn't have been scared. It's fantastic.

We have nothing left to prove.

And that is such a relief.

Good reading on the night of my son's 15 month birthday.

Especially when we ate dinner like this:

A self-portrait of us, after an attempted Skype date with friends in Virginia. Chris is not featured, as he is currently quarantined in the guest room with pinkeye.

Note: the seating arrangement was at the urgent request of the baby.

Nothing left to prove.

Reader Comments (1)

I am loving that there are utensils on the floor and cabinet doors open. Our kitchen looks the same way the bulk of the time. I would not have it any other way!

August 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAli

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