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What consumes my days, since my last post:

Dump trucks. Buses. Motorcycles. Bicycles. (Or "drucks, dusses, momos, aies," in the words of my now 20 month old.) What consumes him, consumes me. My world is now lit up with front-loaders, dump trucks, school buses, city buses, private buses. I run an errand after he's asleep and when I pass a construction zone, my heart jumps and I wish he were there with me to see the trucks at work in the bright lights, surrounded by darkness.

Words. 50,000, to be exact. I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the fifth time in ten years. I love this challenge; it is insane and charming, and I love scouring the forums for bursts of creativity from people all over the world. This has, however, left me with fewer words to insert on this blog.

Books. For the first time, I attended the Texas Book Festival this year, and was reminded how vital reading is to the writing process. As in, you can't write without reading books. I found new authors (Julie Otsuka, Esmeralda Santiago, Yael Kohen) and was reminded of old favorites (Madeleine L'Engle). During this NaNoWriMo process, I am actively trying to write for at least an hour a day, and read part of a book for at least an hour a day.

Current events. Sandy. The Sandy aftermath and physical and emotional healing that needs to be done. The election. Four more years!

Leveling up with our business. After four years of operating and growing steadily, but struggling, as most small businesses do, with cash flow, I discovered something called a line of credit. Huh. Evidently this helps small businesses manage cash flow and those few weeks every four months when the checks are almost in the mail but they owe their contractors today. I am so pleased to have this resource now to help us out. This will change our lives.

Sleep? Somewhere in there.

Reader Comments (1)

Uh huh. I wish I could post photos here because I have numerous photos of construction sites I have stood by over the years. And, in my post here : http://laundrylinedivine.com/4905/fired-up-ready-to-go-first-family-my-family/ there is a sweetness to where we voted here in Great Barrington, related to that, which brought me a huge smile.
I am so thrilled you are writing daily.
I love your posts here.
xoxoox Yours, S

November 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSuzi Banks Baum

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