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Sending best wishes to Arfa Karim Randhawa

I just learned that Arfa Karim Randhawa, an extraordinary teenager and computer prodigy from Pakistan, had an epileptic seizure and cardiac arrest several weeks ago and is currently in intensive care.

I had the privilege of interviewing her in 2005 and was inspired by her kindness, enthusiasm, and confidence. I'm so sad to hear this news, and am sending prayers and good thoughts to her, her family, and the doctors who are caring for her. May her healing be quick, simple, and complete.

Update 1/20/12: I have been away from the news for a few days and just heard the news that Arfa passed away on the 14th at the age of 16. The world lost a great light when it lost Arfa. My deepest condolences to her family and friends.

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